Art Deco and Modernist light fixtures
geometric metal structures
Raphaël Armand

en fr

Congress Centre Issy-Les-Moulinaux

The three ceiling lights, designed by Raphaël ARMAND, especially for the reception room of the Palais des Congrès in Issy Les Moulinaux.
They are found alongside the stained glass windows of the glassmaker Louis Barillet as well as the ironwork of Raymond Subes, the 3 luminaires of the reception room of the Palais des Congrès d’Issy-Les-Moulinaux. 2 marble statues by Jean-Baptiste CARPEAUX decorate the entrance. Building classified as a Historic Monument.

Les 3 luminaires de la salle d’accueil du Palais des Congrès d Issy-Les-Moulinaux. Statues de marbre par Jean-Baptiste CARPEAUX
Palais des Congès Issy les Moulinaux - Luminaires TESSERACT 1200 Série spéciale

The building was built in 1930 by architect Marcel Chappey, who called on high-ranking specialists: master glassmaker Louis Barillet and ironworker Raymond Subes. Pure Art Deco style, the facade is pink and stylish. One of the major attractions of this building is undoubtedly the stained glass windows representing scenes from the opera "Faust", the operetta "La fille de Madame Angot" and the comic opera "Manon".

The building was first a festival hall, then the Maison du Peuple. In 1964, the municipal conservatory was established there and, at the same time, major shows were organized. In 1988, a 1,000-seat auditorium was created.

Palais des Congrès d Issy Les Moulinaux: Luminaire et Vitraux
Les 3 luminaires de la salle d’accueil du Palais des Congrès d’Issy-Les-Moulinaux. Vitrail par Louis Barillet: Faust
Les 3 luminaires de la salle d’accueil du Paris Palais des Congrès d Issy Les Moulinaux
Palais des Congrès d’Issy-Les-Moulinaux
Palais des Congrès d’Issy-les-Moulinaux après restauration aout 2018
Palais des Congrès Art Déco les luminaires plafonnier Issy les moulinaux
Salle d’acceuil - Jean Baptiste CARPEAUX
Luminaires art déco salle du Palais des Congrès
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